Combine the zest full-bodied fruit essences with the mysterious elegance of the East. Lomani Couture brings the warm scent of orange blossoms with the mystical overtones of jasmine and a touch of...
Launched by the design house of Davidoff in 1996, Cool Water is classified as a sharp, flowery fragrance. This feminine scent possesses a blend of citrus, pineapple, and woody notes. Accompanied by...
If you're looking for a feminine scent that is young at heart, Just a Kiss from Victoria's Secret is a good option. Introduced in 2019, this fragrance has a playful appeal. The top note is lip gloss.
When love strikes there is no feeling quite like it in the world. So In Love by Victoria's Secret is a fragrant way to express those intense emotions of true love. Created in 2005, this is an...