Blue 2 Dia. (25 Lb. Force) * Used For Wrist Forearm And Hand Rehabilitation Upper Extremity Stabilization Neuromuscular Re-education Massage Therapy Sports Grip Strengthening * Made From...
Retail Packaged * Four Anti-slip Rubber Pads Prevent Sliding And Protect Floor * Safe And Gentle Form Of Low Impact Exercise * Stimulates Circulation * Ideal For Toning Leg And Arm Muscles * Tension...
Resistance Training For Hands Fingers And Forearms * Helps Strengthen Grip Increase Mobility And Dexterity * Four Color-coded Resistances * Can Be Used For Hot Or Cold Therapy *
Resistance Training For Hands Fingers And Forearms * Helps Strengthen Grip Increase Mobility And Dexterity * Four Color-coded Resistances * Can Be Used For Hot Or Cold Therapy *
Triflo Ii Flow-oriented Is A 3-ball Incentive Spirometer * Wide Flow Rate Range From 600 - 1200cc/sec * Three Color-coded Balls / Three Chambers * Minimum Flow Imprinted On Each Chamber * Compact...